"Join the fun .... or walk the plank ..."

"Join the fun . . . . or walk the plank . . ."


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mighty Mississippi River

When our team decided on the name we would use in the Air Race Classic we had no idea this river would show us how mighty it can be!!!  With Julie in the Memphis, TN area(Hernando, MS) and Peggy having the levee in her front yard, Waterproof, LA, we're beginning to breathe a sigh of relief!  The gauge at Natchez, MS(south of Waterproof, LA) ended at 61.9 . . . flood stage is 48.  Water is still on the levee as I write but has lowered approximately 1 1/2 foot.  We're hoping it will be down below flood stage when I leave for this race in June.  Wish us luck, on Ole Man River and the RACE!

Below, is an aerial picture taken by a local photographer in my parish.  I live right below the grain elevator in the top portion of the picture, young cotton planted around my airstrip.  Our home, Myrtle Grove, is surrounded by the clump of trees close to the levee!   Y I K E S ! ! !